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Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol. 10 | Sokolov, Ivan

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Looking to outplay the Caro-Kann as White? This course dives deep into effective plans and ideas to challenge one of Black's most solid defences. With objective insights, this course also provides valuable knowledge for Black players, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the Caro-Kann from both sides of the board. But understanding an opening doesn't stop at memorising theory. It's crucial to grasp the ideas and structures connected to the opening moves. Knowing how to apply these concepts, and recognising mistakes from your opponent can give you a critical edge in the middlegame - a key component to transforming an opening advantage into a winning position. Key Highlights: ¿ Aggressive and Tactical Lines: Learn how White can create dynamic, aggressive opportunities to put early pressure on Black. Tactical awareness is crucial, and this course emphasises how to spot and capitalise on key moments. ¿ Computer-Assisted Preparation: With modern computer analysis, you'll explore cutting-edge ideas and fine-tuned moves that will give you a competitive edge. One tempo can be enough, so understanding how to exploit them can be the difference between winning and losing. ¿ Dynamic Play & Attack: Designed for players who thrive in attacking positions. Dynamic players, like Gukesh and Abdusattorov, will gain the most from the strategies and insights presented, allowing them to sharpen their aggressive play and capitalise on tactical opportunities. 7 h 19 min video running time (English) The product does not contain a DVD-ROM but an imprinted activation key for: ¿ ChessBase training App (Download and installation for Windows and Mac) ¿ ChessBase-Books (Online version for web browsers) ¿ Video stream for iPad, tablet, PC etc. in the ChessBase video portal


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Buchhandlung Steffen GmbH

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Malchiner Str. 15, 17166 Teterow


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